Marriage Myths That The Bride and Groom Must Know

In general, myth is a myth or folk prose that tells a story of the past background. The story contains an interpretation of the universe and the existence of beings in it. This is believed to be true by adherents. Myths appear as exaggerated historical events, as allegories or personifications for natural events or ritual explanations.

Indonesia has a lot of culture and history. Until now, there are still many who hold fast to both, including believing in myths about marriage. Even though it is clear that a myth is just a story. Especially if you believe the bad myths that can make you fail to get married or even damage the household. Here are some of these myths.


Married banned in the Same Year

According to Javanese customs, siblings are prohibited from marrying in the same year. One of them must succumb by getting married the following year.


Broken Wedding Dresses

Sometimes, minor accidents can happen at a wedding, including torn clothes. However, don't worry about the bad signs that your marriage will end in the death of the groom. All of that is just a myth.


Stepping over an older sibling (male or female)

This is deemed impolite and unkind because marriage precedes the older sibling. If it happens, besides giving a bad omen, it will also make it harder for the older sibling to find their soul mate. But don't believe, because this is just a myth.


Unclean Sweeping

It is said that if you do not clean sweep, you will get a match mate. Even though many beard men like women today.
