The one thing you inimitably share with your spouse that you don’t share with anyone else is SEX. So sex is the only thing that sets you and your spouse apart from simply being roommates. It’s a vital part of marriage.
Some people and beliefs think that sex is only for reproduction (that’s wrong). Others believe that Sex has a higher purpose. The ultimate joining together of a man and woman--the joining together of two spirits; the joining together of two minds; and the joining together of two bodies. That is why many people believe in Moral Purity. Moral purity means that sexual expression is reserved for the covenant of marriage between a husband and wife. Reserving sex, sexual fantasies, and sexual expression only for your husband or wife means more than just what you do physically, but what you look at and what you think about.
Sex is a lot more than just sharing your body—it's a journey of intimacy. Figuring out boundaries together gives you great opportunities to seek the Lord's wisdom, and to learn how to love each other more deeply.
Gen 2:24 -That’s why a man shall leave his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one flesh
When you are married do not starve your spouse of Sex. The Bible says that marriage partners should offer their bodies to each other in marriage and should not deny each other except for a short season for fasting (1 Corinthians 7:5). God made men and women sexual beings. He made our nervous systems capable of receiving pleasure from the sex act. Sex in marriage is good and holy and ordained of God.
Enjoy having sex with your partner, Marriage is the one place you can explore and try new things. Don’t get boring with the "vanilla" sex (aka, the missionary position). God is not against other positions and no one will judge you exploring with your partner. That said, not every couple enjoy the same things, figure out what works for the both of you. You should enjoy it to the fullest.
It is better to give than to receive. When it comes to sex, it is better to give yourself willfully to please your partner than wait to be pleased, most of the times. What’s more enjoyable is getting your partner off, and being reassured that it was an enjoyable experience for him/her. Sometimes women want it. Try to send signals to their man but don’t go for it because of what society has made us believe that it is the man’s place to initiate sexual encounters. They want to receive the pleasurable attention, they wait for their husband to make the first move but it shouldn’t always be like that. Sending signals are great but sometimes because of the hectic demands of the day, your signal may not be read.
Making the first move doesn’t have to be you literally asking “let’s go have sex”, you should start off with games, sexy messages while you're at work, a romantic dinner, a candlelit massage with sensual oils - all of this will create a buildup that can lead to the most incredible of experiences.
Being on the receiving end is also a wonderful experience, but to truly enjoy it you have to be very comfortable with your partner, you need to tell your partner where you like to be touched, and make requests for the things you imagine. To do this, you both need to be at a comfort level with each other. Such that you’ve never experienced before. It requires you to both become very vulnerable by asking, receiving and giving sexually and it requires you to reach a deeper level of trust that your spouse will respond to your requests without judgment.