Marriage and engagement is a commitment. Usually the commitment is always symbolized by something or objects such as weddings and engagements that are both symbolized by rings. Although both are symbolized by a ring, but it turns out these two rings have differences.
Delivery time ring
An engagement ring is usually given when a man asks if she is willing to have a serious relationship with him. This engagement ring is actually not mandatory because it depends on you and your partner whether you want or whether you can or not. Unlike a wedding ring that is more mandatory than an engagement ring given on a wedding day.
Ring status
The engagement ring is given when you say you want to have a serious relationship with your partner before marriage, usually if the engagement ring is pinned, you are willing to get married as soon as possible with a partner. However, that does not mean it is mandatory because you can plan, but the match still in the hands of God. While the wedding ring is a commitment of your marriage and a legal partner in the eyes of the law and the state.
Usefulness of the ring
The principle engagement ring is worn when the woman accepts the man's proposal until he later marries. After marriage, the bride can save or keep using the ring. In addition, you can use the stacking trend by using both rings at the same time or stacking them in one finger with a wedding ring.
The position of the ring
Western cultural tradition states that the engagement ring is placed on the ring finger of the right hand. Whereas in Indonesia, the position is for wedding rings. For the engagement ring position, it is on the ring finger of the left hand.
Ring design
Wedding rings generally have a plain design without large ornaments made of gold or silver. But now many people have put diamonds on their wedding rings. For engagement rings, usually there is also no diamond in the middle of the ring. If there are, only small and only as a sweetener.
Number of rings
For engagement rings, only one will be placed on the female ring finger. While the wedding ring, need a pair that will be pinned by each bride and groom.
Despite all the differences, have you ever thought of using a engagement ring as a wedding ring as well? The answer can be 'yes' and 'no', according to the conditions of each partner.
If you want to get married according to customs and do not want to disturb the aesthetics of Indonesian marriages, you should use engagement rings and wedding rings on different fingers according to their respective functions. However, if you agree that a ring is only a symbol, you can also combine the ring according to your wishes and your partner.
It could even be as previously said by combining the two rings in the same position so that the ring finger looks beautiful, even as a reminder that there is a process to commit in life through the engagement from engagement to finally marriage.